Who needs a… manicured garden? – Wordless Wednesday

…if I mowed it, where would the fairies live?

welcome to the jungle

Stay tuned for more ingenious excuses to get out of mowing my new garden.

Linking up with my little drummer boys  and twinkle in the eye for wordless Wednesday

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15 Responses to Who needs a… manicured garden? – Wordless Wednesday

  1. kyl21z says:

    That’s nothing! Talk to me when you’re lawn is as high as your armpit. That’s happened a few times at this house! And by the time it got to that length the fairies died from shock at the language I spewed at Dave! His excuse? It’s summer, and it rained and then was really sunny for a month!

  2. Love that you’re daughter’s onesie’s not buttoned up…. I rarely button up onesies now 🙂

  3. This is exactly what Mr Nomad says. His second excuse is that it always looks greener when the weeds get a chance to grow a little.
    Prue x

  4. Ai Sakura says:

    It looks like a beautiful jungle!! 🙂

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  5. Alison says:

    Thanks – I will use that excuse to let the dandelions grow even taller!

  6. You can’t mow your lawn until you make clover necklaces and bracelets!

  7. Grace says:

    Now I have the Guns n Roses stuck in my head! 🙂
    I much prefer an untamed, crazy garden. So much more for the imagination 🙂

  8. Alicia says:

    It doesn’t look to bad, at least there is flowers. Oh, I see your going for the ‘flowery meadow’ look.

  9. Lisa says:

    Looks like the perfect home for fairies. Lisa 🙂

  10. Kelly HTandT says:

    Hahaha bloody fairies, what an excuse! My husband always says, “Can’t mow the lawn, it’s wet.” Even on perfectly sunny days. I know right, stupid!?

  11. Trish MLDB says:

    I think it’s fine – let the fairies stay.
    Thanks for linking up.
    Trish – My Little Drummer Boys

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