You turn your back for a minute – Wordless Wednesday

…and she’s washing the dishes.

Just ignore the slight OH&S issues of her moving the stool, leaning over a full sink and the carer stopping to take a photo rather than intervene.

Linking up with my little drummer boys  and twinkle in the eye for wordless Wednesday

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30 Responses to You turn your back for a minute – Wordless Wednesday

  1. Cathy says:

    lol that is so funny – and cute! Of course you had to take a photo first! I would have too…

  2. Love this! My daughter loves nothing more than helping with the washing up too x very precious.

  3. Shelly says:

    Adorable! Lucky you figured out why she was so quiet before the kitchen was flooded, or does that just happen around my place?

  4. yvettebowyer says:

    haha gorgeous!!!!! Love it… we can ignore the OH&S for a giggle at how we know our kids love doing this!!

  5. I would have gone for the camera just like you. At least you have another set of helping hands in the kitchen now.

  6. Alison says:

    I would have taken a photo first too 🙂

  7. I would have taken a photo too!

    Love it x

  8. kyl21z says:

    So cute! Its’ amazing how fast they can move! Even crawling Mia is as fast as a flash!

  9. The temptation of a full sink of water must have been too much. Too cute 🙂

  10. lol don’t worry, I always find myself doing a quick ‘risk assessment’ before grabbing my camera to take photo of said child in precarious position 😉

  11. lol, this is seriously funny!! I had that experience today while I was babysitting, except she wanted a banana, being some else’s child I quickly got her down and gave her a big warning haha

  12. I love this pic! It shows that besides all the OH&S issues you do allow your child to enjoy being a kid. Great job 🙂

  13. Jacana says:

    Priceless – one for the 21st birthday album

  14. this is just gorgeous!!! may it long continue!!! x

  15. Grace says:

    Oh, bless! How could you not take a photo, though? Too cute! 🙂 x

  16. I say, keep encouraging her!

  17. That is so cute!! I love the little nappy bum. Rachel xx

  18. I could do with a helper around the house… what is her hourly rate? 🙂

  19. tam65 says:

    Oh my just the perfect little helper

  20. So, so cute. What type of blogger would you be if you didn’t take a photo first? So glad you did!

  21. mumabulous says:

    Brilliant! Train ’em while they’re young I say! I turned my back for a moment today and my almost three year old got nudie. I’d prefer she did the dishes.
    Love Mumabulous

  22. Where can I get me one of those?

  23. Trish MLDB says:

    Oh keep that up .
    Thanks for linking up your beautiful kitchen fairy.

  24. OMG, this is adorable! Thanks for your comment on my blog – love your blog! I have the cutest picture of L naked, doing the dishes. That one won’t be published on my blog 🙂

    Dagmar ~ Dagmar’s momsense

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