Caught my eye Friday – Blogging Daddy’s, Swearing Mums

And we’re back… slowly the wheels of normality are starting to turn again. Having twice the amount of daughters and half the amount of sleep is feeling more and more normal.

Daddy Bloggers taking over the world…

“I wanted a resource young dads could relate to” … Mike Catabay with Jacob, 2, and Noah, 7 months. Photo: Nick Cubbin

Please excuse the following shameless self congratulation and promotion but daddy bloggers have made a little bit of a blip in the blogosphere in the last couple of weeks. There’s been comments about daddy bloggers being the next big thing, the next marketeers target and the about to wooed by the corporate world. Although I’m already picking the paint colour on the new family Aston Martin I’m not letting it go to my head!

Seriously though, there’s a bunch of guys that like to write honest, funny, painful and unusual posts in Australia at the moment who happen to be going through the challenge that is – kids. What interests me is, what do you (mainly ladies and mums) think about it all. Are we imposters? Are we “the next big thing”, are you a fan? Is there something we offer that a mum can’t or are we all just bumbling around making the same mistakes as each other?

If you’d like to see what all the fuss is about or if you’re in the mood for a slightly different perspective on the very similar situation, catch up with some daddy bloggers over at

Swearing Mums, FFS!

BabyGI have a guilty pleasure. For the last couple of Friday’s I’ve been avidly reading DearBabyG’s FFS posts. Since finding it, I look forward to my Friday morning coffee, giggling to myself about the comings and goings and frustrations in the DearBabyG house. Once you start clicking you won’t be able to stop yourself. A couple of my favourites;

  • I have been passing the ex wife on the school runs this week … FFS
  • I decided to wave at her. She didn’t appreciate my friendly gesture … FFS


  • Tingling turned into a burning sensation but I bravely pushed past the pain because the kids were running late and Maggie and Sol the Chihuahua were wreaking havoc under my feet … FFS
  • About 30 minutes later when I finally had a free moment to check my eyes I realised I had put ‘Nair’ under my eyes instead of eye cream. Similar tube … FFS

But there’s more than good casual swearing! Seriously, the more you flick around, the more you will like Sarah’s take on the world. With everything from her stand on choice to what she hates about Christmas, it’s worth spending some time poking around her part of the blogging universe.

You can connect with Sarah from DearBabyG on Facebook and Twitter.

Sharing what caught my eye with Grace over at because she’s awesome!

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38 Responses to Caught my eye Friday – Blogging Daddy’s, Swearing Mums

  1. Karen Reid says:

    Loving the daddy bloggers. We’re all in this parenting gig together & it’s nice to get a dads view on it. & hopefully seeing as you’re the next big thing someone will give you a coffee machine!

    • Kevin says:

      Hi Karen – I agree with you, we’re all stumbling around together… and let’s not talk about the coffee machine that I NEVER got 😉

  2. I don’t think there should be a divide. We should all be ‘Rent Bloggers.
    We not as different as some would believe as we muddle our way through identity crisis and nappy dramas.
    I think it’s fab the lads are voicing too….

  3. I’m secretly nervous you daddy bloggers are going to make the rest of us unnecessary. Maybe I need to start sending you all gifts, so you still remember me when you’re hot shots and I’m just that blogger you used to know 😉

  4. Kelly HTandT says:

    Love Sarah’s FFS rants, and the rest of her blog actually! She’s one I’d like to meet.
    And you Daddy bloggers are ok. I can’t lie, I’m a fan.

  5. I’m 100% on board the Daddy Bloggers train! And I even bought a ticket, I didn’t jump the turnstile! Not that I’m scared of transit officers or anything, oh no, but the Daddy Bloggers train is one I am more than happy to hand money over for.

    Oh looks, whats that? Coffee! Oh thank God!

    So what I mean to say is, I love reading the Daddy Bloggers. As the wife of a man who doesn’t share a great deal of his feelings unless I’m really pissing him off or he wants a shag, its great to get a bit of perspective on life as a Dad from blokes who are willing to share. And not just coz they want to get in my pants!

    And LOVE Sarah’s FFS posts, they are gold. I aspire to that level of ranty goodness! One day Kev, one day I will be that good!

    So, I guess you probably want your comments section back about now…

  6. Kassey says:

    It was a few weeks ago when I ventured out of my metaphorical hole & thought “surely there must be dad bloggers out there) a quick google search confirmed what everybody else knew and I started to navigate my way around the Aussie dad blogs with one or two O/S for good measure.
    How glad I am.
    It’s a different tone, it feeds a different part of my readers brain and allows me to ‘connect’ with a group of people that I don’t know anything about (I’ve never met a SAHD) but who’s perspective I’m interested in.
    Thanks and great job!

    • Kevin says:

      Hey Kassey – Thanks for popping in to the Illiterate Infant and welcome to the deeply emotional world of daddy blogging 😉

      I liked to know what side of the brain we feed

  7. Hi Kevin, so glad I caught your eye! I sound so much funnier on your blog than my own! I am fascinated with quite a few ‘daddy blogs’ and I will be stalking yours regularly now.

    • Kevin says:

      Hey there – and congrats in reaching the lofty heights of my CMEF post 😉 Your stalking is most welcome.

      Your blogs great – as usual I’m a late arrival. So many people have said “yeah, I love BabyG”

  8. I should sign my hubby up! Nah, that would be scary. After comparing him to a Labrador dog for much of my blogging life I may end up the butt of too many jokes. i will keep this daddy blogging stuff secret for a while longer …

  9. Salz says:

    I think you are the next big thing for sure. Which is why I am trying to convince my hubby to start a blog. But he won’t. His not social like that. I love Sarah’s FFF. I have joined along with her too a couple of times.

  10. Carla says:

    I love FFS Friday! I have linked up a couple of times and it is fabulous! Like therapy….but free 🙂

  11. Zanni Arnot says:

    No qualms about the rise of daddy blogging here. I think the balance needs to be restored! All power to you! Love reading this blog, Dad Down Under and Reservoir Dad.

  12. Great article Kev, as always. What I’ve been most impressed with is the support us dads give each other Aussie Daddy Bloggers ( It’s a great bunch of blokes who, despite being located all over Australia, are constantly supporting each others blogs through advice, encouragement and the odd smart arse comment. It’s an awesome and extremely fun support network.

  13. Fastlanedad says:

    Kev, love the article.
    As the boys said above it’s great that we support each other and also to have the support of so many mummies, which for me being pretty new to all this makes me not only really appreciate that collective support, it is also helping me nurture, develop and grow my blog like it’s another child. You know, the one that’s kept in the attic and only comes out when the ‘Real’ kids are in bed!

  14. Hello there, I’m all for the daddy bloggers because they are funny, and the more funny parent writers the better. Here’s to humour cos what else will get us through the parenting day??!!

  15. mumabulous says:

    Ok – I’ll apologise for generalisations before I begin. I admire the Daddy bloggers because in general I find them less flowery and gushy than some of the Mummies out there. Also I love getting a male perspective on the full catastrophe. May I add, that you are up there with the best of them.
    I’m also a fan of Baby G. I should get myself over there more often.

  16. GO the Daddy bloggers !
    I’m loving the Daddy bloggers and it just goes to show that no matter who the bloggy parent maybe Mum or Dad that we are all just plodding along together calling out for help. I think you guys may just really be the next big thing and good on you. You guys ROCK

  17. Lydia c lee says:

    I don’t differentiate between male & female writers so it makes sense if they have the audience they’d grab the market…good luck to you, the car sounds great 😉

  18. mamagrace71 says:

    I love FFS! Parental Parody has made an entire reputation from her FFS posts. Bloody hilarious!
    Go the Daddy Bloggers! Go, Kev! Just don’t forget the little people and offer us a ride in that flashy Aston Martin once in a while, ‘k? 😉

  19. daddownunder says:

    Good to have you back Kev, spreading the love like only you can. It’s fantastic to be part of a little band of bloggers that genuinely want to help one another along the way. Would good to all catch up in person, ideally in a pub

  20. Rachel says:

    Well done on your SMH mention – I was cheering when I saw it. The way I see it we’re all in this together – so when one blogger does well we all benefit irrespective of our genitalia 🙂

  21. I love my daddy blogger blogs, I’m not surprised the rest of the universe is finally catching up with what you have to offer! And because you make it normal and OK for a guy to be involved and in love with his family you offer something that the rest of us mummy bloggers can’t – reassurance. I know heaps of blokes who think that because they are hands on Dads by want that they are the exception. And I’ve been reading Dear Baby G for aaaages, she is hysterical

  22. It great having daddy bloggers, its adds another dimension, although I often wonder whether they are as good as spilling their guts as we are, for fear of being judged? I’m a fan though 🙂

  23. Rita Azar says:

    I enjoyed reading the article in The Sunday Life about daddy bloggers. I saw your blog was mentioned!

  24. My mum actually pointed that article out. She saw DPCON mentioned and asked if I had met any daddy bloggers. I was happy to inform her that I had and to be able to say – they are awesome.

    As a sole parent, with no dad around for my son, I love reading daddy blogs. Sometimes I feel sad to read stuff that my son will miss out on but on the other hand I get some great advice too.

    Love you work. V.

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