Just do Something – (not so) wordless Wednesday

A series of posts from Grace over at withsomegrace.com got me thinking about my exposure to kids less fortunate than mine (and a lot of yours).

On our way home from the UK, which we had decided to leave so we could grow up and start a family, we traveled through Africa. In Uganda we spent some time in an orphanage which I later found was full of kids orphaned by HIV. I’d never been exposed to anything like this before and it really got to me. Throughout the whole trip I’d spend traveling time on our overland truck trying to come up with clever ideas to solve their problems. I still haven’t done that but I have remembered that it’s important to do something. This year I’m going to do just that and purchase something from oxfam.org.au.


Checking themselves out on the digital camera


…heads, shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes…


…Cheeky, chatty, shy, thoughtful…are they really any different to Aussie kids?

Linking up with my little drummer boys  and twinkle in the eye for wordless Wednesday

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19 Responses to Just do Something – (not so) wordless Wednesday

  1. Kylez @ A Study in Contradictions says:

    I remember thinking the same sorts of things when we visited a school in Fiji, These kids were just so cute and kind and really not all that different to Aussie kids, despite their lack of ‘stuff and things’.

  2. We really to do need to stop living in a bubble and do more to help them. Thanks for the kick up the bum. Rachel x

  3. Cathy says:

    You’re so right! People see problems like orphaned children as overwhelming and so choose to do nothing or turn the other way. Better to do something, however small, than nothing at all. I’ll be getting my children to choose an Oxfam gift on Xmas eve, as part of their Advent calendar activities x

  4. Grace says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this, Kev. We can all do our bit, can’t we ?

  5. Alicia says:

    Doesn’t matter where kids are, they are all the same in that they all have the basic need for love and compassion. Thanks for the reminder at this time of year that giving is so important.

  6. Alison says:

    Good idea. I buy all the teachers school friends from Tear Fund or similar charities.

  7. Mandy says:

    Wow that would have been such a moving experience. I try to educate my kids on those less fortunate.
    visiting from WW, new liker would love for you to stop by and say hi!

  8. Thanks for sharing Kevin. We are so fortunate in Australia.
    P.S.- thanks for nominating me for the Christmas thing- am chuffed! 🙂

  9. Rita Azar says:

    Wow! Thanks for sharing Kevin. It’s great that you choose to do something about it.

  10. Beautiful photos Kevin. I lived in Uganda for a while so understand how dire the situation is re children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. I’m involved with a charity that supports homeless children in Kampala by making connections through sport. You’re right that we can all do our bit.

  11. Lisa says:

    Wonderful photos, it’s always a wake up call when you see pictures like these. I think using the advert calender to give awareness to our kids is great idea.

  12. Thanks for the timely reminder. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own little world that we can let it slip our minds that there’s parts of the world that really need our help.

  13. tam65 says:

    A very timely reminder

  14. Oxfam are fabulous and at this time of year it’s so easy to give someone the gift that keeps on giving. Truly beautiful almost wordless wednesday xx

  15. Trish MLDB says:

    Thanks for linking up – so important we heed the warning to help others less fortunate.
    I sponsor 2 World Vision children and i will buy from Oxfam catalogue for Christmas
    Trish – My Little Drummer Boys

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