Caught my eye Friday – 2012

For the last couple of months I’ve been devoting my weekly Caught my eye Friday to posts articles and memes that have popped up across the blogo-sphere and inter-webs but in the spirit of Grace’s plan to do a “year that was” for the final FYBF here it is, The Illiterate Infants Caught my eye – 2012.

Jan, Feb, Mar
Miss 2.5 had got past the 18 month mark and you could actually feel the atmosphere lighten. My daughter had definitely not been a picnic but by this stage we had had figured out enough to know that we weren’t supposed to know everything, that the trick is that there are no “tricks”, your child will not go to kindy unable to sleep, eat, still wearing nappies and in the end, acceptance will get you through everything.

I graduated from Uni. I look back and remember studying for exams with a 3 week old baby screaming in the room beside me and can’t believe I pulled it off. If you want to know how to make life complicated for a family; study, work full time and have a new born.

Life was simple. We were the perfect family unit. Everything, as the song goes, was in its right place

My daughter turned 2 and just as I got used to things being simple, life responded with a little bit of conception that turned into a big bit of pregnancy

I became a blogger with my very first post showing off my ability to ignore my little ladies protests about afternoon sleeps. Prematurely cocky but entertaining reading when I look back never the less. I owe it all to a 30 minute tutorial  put on by my company from Nicky Parkinson over at styling you. Nicky if you ever read this post – thanks.

You know you’re a daddy blogger when you announce your next pregnancy in a post. I also had my first big break with the boys over at tacklenappy who gave me first guest posting spot. Morning sickness re-appeared.

Contrary to my initial plans, I had not yet become a full time blogger, funding my lavish lifestyle by the huge amount of traffic that visited my blog. What I did score though were some great blogging friends that one day, I will share a beer/scotch/martini/mohito/cup of earl grey with – in no particular order kylze, Kelz, Catherine, Matt, Grace, Jess, Bucky & Chubba, Soph, Helen,  mumabulous and the many others made posting my thoughts less like talking to myself and more like going to a really good party.

I posted about the envelope that has my unborn child’s gender in it. Maybe Santa will bring some news 😉 The Illiterate Infant made it onto Reservoir Dads Greatest Aussie Dad Blogs 2012

We unpacked our lives

About two weeks ago a few daddy bloggers got together with the idea of putting together some great dad posts. Luckily for me they sent me an email and voila – Aussie Daddy Bloggers was born. Apart from the obvious highlight of being able to associate with the likes of Reservoir Dad I got to know some hilarious writers who all do a good job of acting tough but caring insatiably about their kids. Lastly, I got to understand the power of a good title.

And that’s it. Thanks for popping by and checking out the year that was. Whatever your celebrating this summer, I hope it ends with you relaxed and recharged for 2013. All the best to you, your family’s and (to most of you)  your amazing kids that give us all so much good material to write about.

Sharing with our favorite Friday linky: FYBF at withsomegrace.

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31 Responses to Caught my eye Friday – 2012

  1. Kelly HTandT says:

    “less like talking to myself and more like going to a really good party” YOU NAILED IT! That’s exactly what it’s like. Well said. Good year. I’ll take the martini. And probably the mohito. And heck I do love a good beer.
    Merry Christmas to the II fam bam!

  2. Danya Banya says:

    Wow, I can’t believe you only just started blogging in July. You seem like such a pro!

  3. Great wrap up! Congratulations on all your achievements!

    Funny how different kids are – 18 months for me was really difficult. Boyo had been walking for half his life by then and his independent streak turned into sheer bloodyminedness!

    It all made sense later when I was diagnosed a year later with an auto immune disease. No wonder I couldn’t keep up with him. Mind you, he never stopped. Ever.

  4. Cathy says:

    A whirlwind year! Nice to look back and see how far you’ve come. All the best for continued success in 2013 🙂

  5. I’d love to have a beer with you, you should come to the next DP drinks that Jodi and I are organising in the new year 🙂 I’ve really enjoyed your blog this year, it is one of my favourites. Have a great day, and a wonderful Christmas with your little family xx

  6. wonderful re-cap! Congrats on the uni thing – that is difficult on the best of days, let alone with a newborn in one arm!
    Merry Christmas

  7. Lydia c lee says:

    Study and newborn??!! Well done. As for not sneaking a peek at the envelope? More willpower than me. Happy new year!

  8. SarahMac says:

    Merry Christmas! What a big year. I’ve only just discovered ou so bring on 2013. Yay for daddy blogging!

  9. Zanni Arnot says:

    A great year then! And in 2013 with two things get even more exciting!

  10. Ah, thanks for the giggles and Bupa tears this year 🙂 Looking forward to what the New Year will bring. And don’t forget to let us in on the secret if Santa does indeed bring some news 🙂

  11. What a big year – congrats on graduating and on becoming a blogger 🙂

  12. mumabulous says:

    Wow Kevin. Kudos to you for passing your exams. Studying was something that happened for me in another lifetime. I can’t imagine doing it now. I’m absolutely loving the Aussie Daddy Bloggers. You guys are a digital league of awesome.
    Merry Christmas to the II household.

  13. Naw, aren’t you just the cutest! I think starting a blog is possibly the best decision you’ve ever made. Your wife might not agree with me, she’d probably say kids or marrying her (and I can’t blame her!) but for your readers, deciding to start a blog was one of ours (well one of mine anyway) hughlights of 2012.

    I look forward to reading more about the adventures of II household in 2013 and hearing all about the arrival of the newest addition!

    I also look forward to sharing more Monty Python stupidness and that mojito with you!

    Happy Festivus!

  14. Hi Kevin, How are you going to beat 2012? Fantastic year for you-especially with associating with Reservoir Dad-name dropper alert! I look forward to seeing what 2013 brings for you & your blog.

  15. Oh, I’m hoping for a bit of rest and relaxation, that’s for sure!
    It sounds like your year has been pretty full on, but you seem to have taken it all in your stride, and with a heap of humour no less! Where would we be without being able to have a laugh? I don’t even want to think about it!
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family 🙂

  16. Grace says:

    “…a little bit of conception that turned into a big bit of pregnancy..” – LOVE!
    Moving house, graduating from uni…sounds like you had a massive year, Kev.
    Glad you’ve joined us in the blogosphere. I see big things happening for you in 2013 🙂
    P.S Happy to have that beer IRL !

  17. What a busy year! I’m impressed you can study with a newborn around. I can’t even study with a fly around. Have a wonderful Christmas and I can’t wait to follow your 2013 blogging journey. Rachel x

  18. iSophie says:

    You know, I thought you had been blogging longer then this! You’re a natural.

    Is that envelope still sealed?

  19. Rita Azar says:

    Congratulations on your graduation Kevin! What did you study? I love reading your post and have the perspective of a dad on different subjects.

    • Kevin says:

      Hi Rita. I lead a double life as a bit of a nerd when I’m not blogging. I did an MBA.

      Thanks as always for popping in and checking things out. You’re a welcome bit of consistency.

  20. Danya Banya says:

    Noticed that you’ve done a few guest posts for other blogs. Was wondering if you accept guest posts on yours? Have just written a post about Daddy discrimination that I thought you might be interested in… Msg me on if you are interested and I’ll send it through….

    (Oh, and FYI your 2012 post isn’t appearing as the most recent on your home page atm).


  21. daddownunder says:

    This is a little late I know, but nice post Kev, I think your the first person I ever turned to for advice – so a massive thanks from me. Keep up the good work!

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